Our Mission​

We are starting this non-profit because I have been so very blessed to have an opportunity to work hard and grow a company that not only benefits the lives of others but has also made more money than I thought possible. That money has afforded me the opportunity to do things for my children that I would never have dreamed of. Not only am I in the incredible position where I do not have to worry about the financial future for my children but also where I am able to try and attempt tests, cutting edge treatments, wonderful camps and therapists to better the lives of my boys where they are now and hopefully their future outcomes and success.

Too many families are not in the position that we are in. Too many families face an enormous struggle to just provide the base level of therapy necessary for a special needs child with autism and live in fear of what the future may hold every day. They worry about the medical treatments they have no way to afford. They stretch hard to reach or even pass by incredible summer camps that encourage the children’s growth and also provide desperately needed respite to parents and other family members.

Being the parent of a child affected by autism is way more than just a full-time job. It is a constant struggle of not knowing where to turn, what to try, what the future may hold. It can also be very isolating when your children are young and even more so as they get older when differences become more noticeable and criticism from people who don’t understand becomes even more harsh.

Our goal it to create a community to support parents of children with autism by providing resources for research, financial support where needed, a place to experience a bit of normal and participate in activities with your children in a supportive environment and connect you with other parents to build and enhance your support structure.

COVID-19 has only reemphasized the need for these services in my mind. Every parent thrust into home schooling when that was never their plan or intention has faced challenges during this time but it is often felt even more strongly in the special needs community. Teaching and parenting children with special needs is a very intense process and moving that from a division of time between school and home to a 24 hour project at home can push parents beyond what they can do well and enjoy their time with their children.

I sit here in a relatively unique position as a mom of twin boys, both on the autism spectrum but still so different from each other. Each their own puzzle to figure out. When they were very little I knew that there was no way I could stay home and be therapy mom to both of them on my own and even with very kind parents who helped with some expenses there was no way to stay home and pay for therapy and caregivers to assist while keeping up with basic bills. So, I began down the path of building a business. Home school and quarantine just reinforced this decision. There are many more qualified people to teach my boys than I am and I am best at loving them, encouraging them and providing them with opportunities.

Support us today!

We are always looking for help, whether that is volunteering your time, or simply donating to help build and maintain the Martha's Ranch.


June 15, 2021